Evergreen trees

Our new napkin series, "Evergreen trees," is a must-have for your store and your customers' interiors. Autumn, with its falling leaves in the most beautiful colours, combined with the evergreen pine trees, creates a particularly picturesque scene to admire. An everyday design that welcomes the beauty of various green pine trees. Painted in a watercolour style against a warm background of brown, sand, and beige, this natural composition evokes a sense of tranquillity with earthy tones. Therefore, this modest series is perfect for a cosy kitchen in the autumn or even all year-round.

Let your imagination run wild as you envision walking among the "Evergreen trees" in an evergreen forest. The fresh scent of pine, the pleasant coolness among the trees after a warm summer, and in the distance, the sounds of wildlife hiding among the greenery. This napkin brings this natural experience to your store and your customers' dining tables, turning every meal into a moment of connection with nature.

Rustic charm meets comfort with our "Evergreen trees" series

The "Evergreen trees" napkin is not only a visual delight but also a complement to various interior styles. Particularly suitable for rustic or industrial settings with lots of wood, this paper napkin is available in lunch and cocktail sizes, serving as the centrepiece of a beautiful series; think of two different candle sizes, a large mug, a tea towel, and a small tray. Snug on the couch with a large mug of coffee, surrounded by the natural charm of "Evergreen trees" – delightful, isn't it?

All beautiful items in this collection:

Bring home the atmosphere of a peaceful stroll through an evergreen forest with this timeless series. Create an ambiance that speaks of natural beauty and invite your customers to enjoy the serene feeling of "Evergreen trees."

A collection of beautiful moments

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