Hearts garlands

This design for Valentine napkins is a fun and playful addition to your collection. In addition to the different sizes of napkins, this series now also has beautiful romantic candles, a nice gift bag, handkerchiefs, a large mug and more. The name of this series pretty much says it all, 'Hearts garlands', a watercolor design full of hearts and love.

The brightly colored hearts in this design give a loving and playful feeling. This design is not only perfect for Valentine's Day, also think of Mother's Day, weddings, engagement parties and other anniversaries in love or even the birth of a child. These special loving days don’t always fall in Spring, therefore this series is suitable for the whole year. Because love is there, all year round.

For your customers, this is an ideal series to give as a gift to their loved ones. The gift bag looks festive and romantic and can be filled with all kinds of gifts in the same atmosphere. All these products are perfect as a present or for organizing a romantic picnic.

Beautiful designs, always and anywhere with you.

Wherever you go, handkerchiefs always come in handy. A lady in tears, a child with a dirty face, or just a cold. Taking handkerchiefs with you is always a good plan. They fit easily in a pocket or in a bag and look extra nice with our beautiful designs.

All beautiful items in this collection:

A collection of beautiful moments...

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